


New Classical Tibetan Reading & Pronunciation Practice Course

New Classical Tibetan Reading & Pronunciation Practice Course

Sun Jul 3, 2022 — Sun Aug 28, 2022 We are pleased to announce our new program, Classical Tibetan Reading & Pronunciation Practice. In 9 weekly online sessions, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of pronunciation according to a central Tibetan dialect....

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2022 Yeshe De Text Offering

This year’s offering, while more modest in size than our usual distribution, provides a glimpse of the breathtaking scope of the Tibetan text tradition. Authors from four major Tibetan schools are included, including the collected works of the brilliant 19th-century...

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33rd Nyingma Monlam World Peace Ceremony

February 12th marked the successful conclusion of the 33rd Nyingma Monlam World Peace Ceremony, founded by Tarthang Tulku. Learn more about the history of this auspicious event, the texts distributed this year, and food offerings made to local residents in Bodhgaya.A...

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Quotes III and The Quotes Trilogy

Quotes III and The Quotes Trilogy

The publication of Quotes III launches The Trilogy, with quotations that touch the heart, reminding us of the beauty and possibilities life offers. Each book is also a journal welcoming our own reflections and insights.

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March Newsletter – Invitation To MNS Training

March Newsletter – Invitation To MNS Training

Dear Friend, We are now a ways into the new year - may 2021 bring comfort and relief all over the globe, and to you and yours, wherever you may be. With thankfulness in our hearts, we rejoice to have accomplished much already in this new year, and have several new...

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